The World Cup Liechtenstein in the class F3A is based on an old tradition of the Modellfluggruppe Liechtenstein. During the last decades this competition grew tremendously and is now a substantial part of european pilot's competition calendar. On one side it is the great infrastructure and on the other hand the perfect organisation which makes this competition a special event. Besides the world championship and the continental championships, our competition became one of the biggest in the world.
Please find below some important documents about the competition:
- Final Ranking
- Starting List P1-P3 and Final
- Information about the 54th F3A World Cup Liechtenstein 2022 (updated July 8th, 2022)
We are very happy that also the local news covered our competition:
- "Flugkünstler sind zurück - Weltcup mit Lokalmatador Kaiser" - Volksblatt - 07.07.2022
- "Kaiser als Titelverteidiger gefordert" - Liechtensteiner Vaterland - 07.07.2022
- "Stefan Kaiser fliegt beim Heim-Weltcup auf das Podest" - Volksblatt - 11.07.2022
- "Kaiser beim Heimwettkampf Dritter" - Liechtensteiner Vaterland - 11.07.2022

After a great final round with the best 8 pilots we started with the ranking ceremony. We are very greatful that the patron of the 54th F3A World Cup in Liechtenstein 2022, His Serene Highness Prince Hubertus of Liechtenstein, awarded the cups to the pilots in rank 1 to rank 6.
The 54th World Cup in Liechtenstein 2022 was won by Sandro Matti (SUI) slightly before Nurila Lassi (FIN) and Stefan Kaiser (LIE). The lead of Sandro Matti was just 0.07 points.
Our president Daniel Schierscher lead through the award ceremony professionally. He thanked all the judges and jury members as well as the many helpers of our club, the MFGL.
The complete ranking list can be found above.
We hope everyone enjoyed the time with us and we will meet each other again next year on the 55th F3A World Cup in Liechtenstein 2023.

So far round 3 is running without significant issues. We expect to finish round 3 about 15min behind schedule.
After that a ranking list of all 3 rounds will be made on which the worst score of every pilot are deleted. The best 8 pilots of this ranking list are going to fly a final round with the much more challenging F-23 programme. The starting order for the final will be drawn.

Right on time the first pilot of today took off for his flight.
Today, all pilots are going to fly their first round. After that, the best pilots will have the chance to fly a final round. In the final round the much more challenging F-23 programme will be flown.
At the moment the weather is a bit cloudy which is good for the judges and the pilot, because this way they will not be blinded by the morning sun which can be quite challengin on our airfield.

One of our highlights started in the evening. As in the previous years we organized a gala dinner for tonight. Due to a medical emergency we had to improvise a bit and organized a cold buffet as the main course and a great dessert buffet. The dessert buffet was made by the club members and their wives. Many thanks to them. It was awesome.
We hope that all our guests enjoyed this wonderful evening with us. Certainly, the evening was far from over after the dessert buffet.

Because we could finish the two preliminary flights ahead of schedule, we had some time for a show flight. Wolfgang Matt treated us with a stunning flight of his turbine driven Bell AH-1.

The competition ran also smoothly in the afternoon with no interruptions. Therefore, we were able to finish the first two rounds slightly ahead of schedule.
Because the first two rounds are completely finished we already have our first ranking list. It can be found on top.

After all pilots have finished their first flight we used the short break to make a group photo of all the pilots.

The competition is running smoothly. Almost all pilots have finished their first flight in good weather conditions.
Also the kitchen crew is well prepared. Treat yourself to a sausage, a schnitzel or some dessert. Certainly, there are also some drinks and ice cream available.
To ensure that all pilots are ready the charging stations are working overtime.

Right on time we were able to start our competition. Previously the judges were given a small introduction to the scoring system eScribe from the Swiss model association. Most have already scored with this system but a small voluntary refresher is never a bad idea.
After that our president Daniel Schierscher welcomed all the pilots to this years competition before the contest director Volker Frommelt pointed out some important points of our competition and explained some characteristic of our airfield in the briefing.

The registration was closed and we have created the starting list for the first three rounds. Please find it below.
Information for judges: As stated in the competition information we are going to use the eScribe scoring system. On saturday 7:30 we are going to make a short introduction for all judges. This training is voluntary.

We are almost ready for the competition tomorrow. Many pilots have already arrived and are using the time for practicing and getting used to our airfield.
At 15:00 we are going to start with the registration of the pilots. They will be able to draw their starting number by themselves.
After a break of two years we are looking forward to hold the competition this weekend. We also expect the weather to be optimal for both days.